Monday 26 April 2010

The Return of Monday Nagging w/ GOALS

Happy Monday, everybody!  Did another week really go by?  Hard to believe but my calendar tells me yes.

So let's get to it:

If I learned anything last week, it's that the slip ain't goin' down without a fight.  Who knew this sometimes-silk, more-often-nylon-acetate garment had such a following?  Somebody on Seventh Avenue needs to wake up and pump these babies out again.

A brief summation of last week:

1.  I finished the purple 1937 Hollywood dress and entered it into the Pattern Review vintage sewing contest.  It's out of my hands.

2.  I bought a few new patterns -- please, no lectures.   I told you about this one:

Here's the latest:

The more I look at vintage Forties dresses, the more I realize there were like five popular styles.  These are two of them.  There is something about late-Thirties, early-Forties fashion I love and I can't quite put my finger on it.  Is it all those Barbara Stanwyck movies I watched as a kid?

Seriously, I think it's the simple, pared-down modesty of them (and I'm not talking body-coverage modesty).  They don't demand contorting the body -- a cinched-to-within-an-inch-of-its-life waistline or bullet bras.  They honor the human form rather than exaggerating it (well, yes, those shoulder pads...).  A future blog entry perhaps.

3.  I received the most wonderful gift from my friend amazing Grace.  It's three yards of a gorgeous Liberty of London print she has in her stash and I just love it.  I plan to make Michael a shirt out of it as the colors fit his palette perfectly.

Thank you again, Grace!

4.  I was a little troubled by how many of you are slicing your digits with rotary cutters and stitching buttonholes through the living room carpeting.  I'm trying not to lose any sleep over your chilling comments last Wednesday but I must suffer from overidentification or something. Remember: do not operate sewing machine while under the influence of anything more potent than your Mother-in-Law.

And now for the week to come:

1.  I want to sew the Liberty of London shirt for Michael I mentioned above.  This is the most expensive fabric I have ever sewn with -- well, expensive for Grace anyway-- and I will try to stay calm as I work with it.

2.  I still haven't sewn myself a pair of pants and I'm wondering if I ever intend to.  I'll be washing fabric today so maybe I'll prep something that could turn into trousers.  I may need a little help from the mice in the attic.

3.  I'm trying to get some clarity around where I want to go next with my sewing, if anywhere.  I mean, eventually Cathy is going to move on, and then where will I be?  I think I may need to start shopping for a muse.  What's Ann-Margret up to these days....?

But enough about me and my problems, how about you and yours?

Now I heard a lot of bellyaching over my decision last week not to nag you and, ever-sensitive to your needs, I have decided to re-ignite the flame of my inner nagster.  So....

Karin: Are you making your daughter a dress or not? uglycute: What are you sewing this week exactly? Kerry: Have you recovered and did you wear the "impractical spring green dress" yet?  Pics please.  AuntieAllyn: Did you finish the African print dress? Melanie: Have you started on your son's mushroom-print boxers?  Mae:  Did you decide between Vogue1182 and 1183?  The train's leaving the station, girl!  Maggie: Did you recover enough to start sewing?  Elle: Are you even OLD enough to be a MOB?  mom2five: So, the pants....?

OK, that's it for now, I'm exhausted.

Look, peeps, we can always find an excuse not to sew.  But frankly, if you've got a pulse, you can press that pedal.  And if you don't have a pulse, your stash up for grabs?


OK, time to re-thread my serger!  (Ugh.)

What's on your plate this week?

(Remember: if it's perishable, refrigerate.)

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