Sunday 18 April 2010

OMG, it's Monday again! w/ GOALS

Now in case you were wondering where you've seen this outfit was here!

That's it; I won't mention it again, promise!  (My mother got a kick out of it, though.)  And since this eccentric essemble was part of my cousin Cathy makeover, now she's getting all high-and-mighty.  A little notoriety can sure go to a person's head, huh?

And so another week begins.  Here's what I've been up to like you couldn't guess...

And if you're wondering why THAT bodice shot looks familiar...

I need to come up with some new angles, peeps...and change my pants.

But let's get to our week in review.  

1.  I started my -- er, Cathy's new dress, Hollywood 1471, otherwise known as the Mystery Purple Project (Miss Terry Purpleproject?).  I wish I knew what the as-yet-unidentified fabric I'm using is, but as long as I don't break out in a scary rash, I guess it doesn't really matter.  Suffice it to say, it's not the easiest fabric to work with, but Salvation Army scavengers can't be choosers.

2. If you'd like to get into a heated debate about the state of glamour today, you'll find a good one here.  (Go easy on Lady Gaga, please.)

3.  I went vicarious fabric shopping with Grace of L.A. on Friday.  I noticed Grace commented on my Saturday piece of reportage,  apparently trying to provide a bit of editorial balance.  Readers, I ask you: WHO are you going to trust to provide an utterly unbiased view of fabric-shopping reality, me or Grace?  I rest my case.

4.  I picked up this vintage Vogue suit pattern yesterday on Etsy.  It's not from the Forties but please find a place in your hearts for it.

And now for the week to come.

1.  I want to finish the 1937 Hollywood dress.  As of this morning I still need to attach the sleeves, attach the skirt to the bodice, add a zipper, buttons, hem...  In short, I still have a lot to do.

2.  Of course I'm thinking about next projects.  Maybe some men's clothes before I forget how.  Something without darts.

Could that be it?  I think so!

Now how about you?

If you're like me, you're wondering how reader Sarah is coming along with her June Pin Dot Dress and what's up with all those Reese Witherspoon pics on her blog.  If you're out there, Sarah, please update us and explain!

I've decided to stop hassling you about your projects publicly.  I started to feel like my mother a nag and that's never good.  I want you to want to sew for you, not for me -- or mainly for you.  Frankly, I just wasn't sure why you were sewing anymore.

OK, enough.  Time to get back to purple, er--back to work.

What are you sewing this week, peeps?  Are you keeping those feed dogs well-fed?  They get vicious when they're hungry.

Have a great day!

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