Wednesday 7 April 2010

Global Warming, Political Upheaval, and Cher

OK, so it was nearly 90 degrees here yesterday, the international news just goes from bad to worse, and don't even get me started on the national news...

But I have more pressing things to think about.  Barring Armageddon, I still have to finish my yellow dress, don't I?  Check this out: 

This is the last pic of my 1941 outfit before the big "reveal" because, let's face it, you have to keep 'em wanting more.  (Gosh, what an assumption; perhaps you're really wanting less!  No, I won't even entertain the possibility.)

Yesterday's Salvation Army find was a full nylon acetate slip with a B. Altman's label in a 36" chest, and a purple faux snakeskin clutch.  It really does make me wonder if there isn't a force greater than me determined to pull this outfit together.

Question: must I belt the blouse?  To my eye it looks perfectly nice without one, but it is called for in the pattern.  Can you tell I'm not too keen on making the belt?

Aside from that, all that's left to do is to hem the skirt.  If you know me, you know that hemming ranks just behind root canal on my "dread" list -- and my last root canal was in 1972 but this skirt must be hemmed today, meaning hemming has pulled ahead.  I'm not sure how I'll accomplish this -- blind hem?  whipstitch?  -- but rest assured the skirt will be shorter -- and chic-er -- the next time you see it.

But enough about me.  Can we talk about Cher?

If you take your fashion seriously, you simply must watch this video through to the end.  Not to give it all away, but it's a Bob Mackie-esque trip through fashion history from Eve through...Cher.  And I thought Cathy was a clothes horse!

Stay cool everybody -- or warm, as your local climate requires.

Have a great day!

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