Tuesday 6 April 2010

I Am Curious (Yellow)


Forgive the obscure Swedish film reference -- and the socks.

We're still seeing life through French's mustard-colored glasses here in Apartment 12D.  The skirt is almost done and just needs to be hemmed.  Yesterday I made pretty good progress on the blouse:

There are still adjustments to make, facings to add -- and sleeves, sleeves, must not forget the sleeves.

These turned up at the Salvation Army.  They have a definite Forties vibe, don't you think?

Obviously somebody up there likes me but hates my feet: they're nearly impossible to walk in.   Thankfully it's Cathy who'll suffer for beauty, not me.

And then there's this aubergine confection:

This is actually two yards of ratty old tulle found at the bottom of a remnant bin at some dive-y fabric store.  It looks like the mice got to it before I did, but I think it has possibilities.  Schiaparelli meets Miss Havisham.

So it's coming together.

A number of you had project-related questions yesterday I'll try to answer.

1. No, I am not bothering with the welt pockets or the bound buttonholes.  The sheet is too thin for them, for one thing, and the cheap cotton-poly fabric just doesn't warrant the effort.  If I really want to do this again, in a better fabric (and for a more appreciative woman), I might reconsider.  Right now I just want to finish this and get on with my life.

Would you believe I'm also supposed to make a belt for this outfit -- with a buckle no less!  It's work, kids, work.

2. Cathy does indeed keep many of her clothes at my house and I do think that's why she had me edit my wardrobe down to almost nothing last month.  She's sneaky, that girl.

3.  My hunch is that anyone who slept on sheets this color was either blind or trying to hide a bladder problem.  I get a headache just looking at this dress for more than a minute; it's like staring into the sun.

On an unrelated note, Michael and I were coming back from somewhere we'd been with the dogs a few months ago, and a French tourist (who happened to be a photographer) asked if he could take our picture.  Yesterday he emailed us a copy.  I look terrible (it pre-dates my new look) but the dogs look cute, don't you think? (click to supersize)

OK, let's finish this little jonquil number today, shall we?

Have a great Tuesday, everybody!

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