Monday 5 April 2010

Monday: You're off the hook, kids.

Greetings from DUMBO (Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass) in Brooklyn, where I spent most of Sunday with my old friend Nora and her bf Derek.

Michael and I brought the dogs, and a great time -- as well as delicious whole wheat pancakes -- was had by all.  (Actually, only we had pancakes; the dogs watched.)

So it's Monday again and time to check in and I have a somewhat shocking confession to make:

I didn't sew at all last week.

So I'm hardly in a position to hold anybody else accountable, am I?  Therefore you're all off the hook, peeps.  Consider it your metaphoric snow day.

So what did I get accomplished over the last seven days?

1. I bought some fabric: four yards of blue cotton twill and a vintage flowered sheet.

2. I prepped Simplicity 3873, my 1941 dress pattern, all ironed and sitting atop my ironing board, awaiting next steps.

3. I fulfilled some family commitments -- my brother got engaged! -- saw friends, and generally enjoyed the fine weather.  All were welcome distractions; I needed a break.

4.  I wrote a lot. I think last week was one of my most interesting, blog-content-wise.  If you haven't been here for the last four days or so, take a look.  I especially want to thank all those who left comments, and there were many.  It's what you write that keeps this blog dynamic and creates a sense of community; I couldn't do it without you.

And for the week to come?

1.  I want to finish my 1941 dress.

2. I still want to simplify my scrap stash.

3. I'd like to make myself a pair of pants.

Simple enough, right?  Let's see how it goes...

And how are all of you doing?  I know there's been some impressive progress made.

Look at the lovely dress and pinafore reader Laura recently completed for her niece:

This is so beautifully detailed; I love it.  Great job, Laura!

And if you haven't read about the gingham shirt Bloggette Elizabeth made for her nephew, Thor, you can read about it here.  A renown sewing celebrity even makes an appearance -- and it's not me!

And so, my friends, another week stretches before us, full of possibility.  I'm going to dust of my Singer 15-91 and get to work.

How about you?  What's on your plates this week?

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