Tuesday 27 April 2010

Auckland show

Last week I flew out to New Zealand for a fashion show in Auckland. It was a very quick trip with lots of fittings and rehearsals so not much sleep was had but it was so fun to travel with a big bunch of my friends. We get booked on the same shows a lot of the time so it makes trips like this lots of fun!
We had to be at the airport at stupid o'clock (translation: around 4:30am) for our flight, this was followed by lots of duty free shopping of course! We landed in Auckland, dumped our bags at the hotel and spent the night in fittings and rehearsals. The following evening was the show so the afternoon was spent in hair and makeup with a quick run through backstage. The show went really well, I had a few issues with some misbehaving accessories, but it was fun! One outfit I wore in the show was a bra and matching satin pants with big white angel wings which were decorated with real flowers, ribbons and crystals! The wings smelled like a big bunch of flowers!!

Backstage with Christina Nouri
Backstage with Sarah Jane CoombeBackstage

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