Tuesday 9 March 2010

The girl I want to be

OK, let's just get it all out in the open shall we?

When you're a man with a sewing blog and a glamorous identical cousin named Cathy -- people are going to make assumptions.

Accurate, rock-solid, spot-on assumptions.

Now, I love being a man and haven't been (unintentionally) mistaken for a girl since the 4th grade.  But haven't we all-- even the straightest-of-straight arrows among us -- wondered what it might be like to be a member of the opposite sex (or something in-between)?

Who among us hasn't thought about what we might look like or whom we'd choose to be?  (Be real, people; I know that we have a few "Marlo" Brandos among us: I've seen what you sew.)

So yesterday, I received a message on my BurdaStyle "wall" from a young woman in Charleston, South Carolina, inviting me to look at what she'd made from the very same pattern I'd used last month to make these:


Readers, meet Rebecca, in her "Pink Pank Punk" skirt:


After examining Rebecca's project photos (click on them to supersize) and digging deep down to the bottom of my soul, I have decided to bestow upon lovely, young Rebecca my very first MPB Girl I Want to Be Award!

I know, I know, perhaps it's old-fashioned to refer to Rebecca as a girl.  You're missing the big picture here, people, especially since I am probably old enough to be Rebecca's father.

Let's get back to the skirt Rebecca made, shall we?  Here's the pattern I used, a copy of which Rebecca found online and purchased.

And here's Rebecca's version in pink linen, from the front:

And here's the back. 


I will say I was an eensy bit disappointed with that improvised center pleat but Rebecca openly admits in her project description that she's not very good at following instructions (ironing isn't mentioned).  That's when it hit me that, by God, this is exactly what I would have done if I were Rebecca!  All is forgiven.

Here is another photo of our sweet gamine:

This is the photo that put Rebecca over the top to win the Girl I Want to Be Award, hands down.   Honestly, how many ways can you spell adorable?  The whole look is perfect and it doesn't hurt that she was blessed with Esther Williams' shoulders.


Rebecca gives her outfits clever names.  This one's called "Summah Time!"  How Peter Lappin is that although it never even occurred to Peter to ever go to the trouble?  He gives his projects names like, "Men's Shirt."

If I were a girl I would want Rebecca's haircut too.  Doesn't it make you want to run out NOW and chop it all off?  So charming.  And how cute are those sandals?  Honestly, I could not have styled a better outfit for myself -- I mean, er, for Rebecca, if I'd tried.

Confidentially, I am a little scared of how Cathy is going to respond to all this given that we're very close and that, in a wig and under very careful lighting, I could even pass for her.  Isn't it starkly obvious that next to Rebecca, my cousin Cathy might as well be Marjorie Main?

Here's another photo of Rebecca, unconsciously channeling Audrey Hepburn, in a demure summer skirt she made out of a vintage sheet from Goodwill!  Now who does that remind you of?  Hellooo!

Sadly, Rebecca is still a college student  (Pass the geritol) but I know one day she is going to come to New York City and be my muse.  Or just go shopping with me.  She can consider this her invitation.

Congratulations on your award, Rebecca: YOU are the girl I want to be!

(If I were a girl.  Which I'm not.)

Please go to Rebecca's BurdaStyle page and tell her how much you like her clothes, her hair, and her total look!

In closing, I ask you, dear readers-of-mine, if you could be a member of the opposite sex -- OK, I'll make it easier -- if you had to be a member of the opposite sex, who would you choose to be?  

Who would be your recipient of your Boy/Girl I Want to Be Award?

And ladies, please, please, please, don't choose me: such calculated kissing-up is unseemly -- unless done really, really well.

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