Saturday 10 July 2010

Upon Winning My First Oscar

You really like me!

I told you that I won that vintage Vogue American Designer Oscar de la Renta on eBay right -- the one that the Selfless Songstress assigned me?  Well I received it yesterday and I must say I love it.  I've always admitted that Elame has impeccable taste.

Frills and ruffles everywhere!

But look at this:


Do you see that "14" in the far right column I'm pointing to?  That is the number of yards of chiffon I'm going to have to use.  Four-friggin'-teen!  That's eleven more yards than I have ever used for anything ever before -- ever!

Drat that girl -- she always has a trick up her chic sleeveless sheath dress!  Will I never learn?

Thankfully, I'll have my upcoming mid-week vacation to recover from the shock.  I'm not exactly sure if this will be my next Cathy project or not; I'll have to ask Her Highness.

Meanwhile, I don't think I'm speaking out of school when I reveal that there's someone else slyly suggesting new outfits for Barbie Cathy.

Gertie, yes, Gertie has now gotten into the act.  She wants me to make this 'plicity' pattern, which she believes "will show off Cathy's awesome gams perfectly" (the short version, sans pants).

Readers, I nearly choked on my chopstick!   Honestly, that Asian inspired pattern is barely one step above these:

Can someone please explain what Santa has to do with what looks like Charlie Chan in lounge wear?  Is this a veiled allusion to the fact that we Jews often eat Chinese food on Christmas?

All I can say is, Gertie, look a little bit harder, please, and nothing that screams "Love is a Many-Splendored Thing."  Jeez!

That's it for today, folks. I stitched up a terrycloth knit tank top for Michael -- or for me -- yesterday to make up for that "man-kini" embarrassment of the other day.

I still haven't decided whether to keep the man-kini or to give it away. It seems there are some oddballs who think it's perfect for Fire Island.   Is there something about that place you're not telling me?

Happy weekend, friends, and please stay clear of loud knits and rice paddy hats!

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