Friday 30 July 2010

Can you see my butt crack?

Readers, today I'm going to challenge your sense of decorum and tolerance.  The easily offended might want to come back tomorrow.

Oh wise ones, what's your take on the ubiquitous men's saggy pant?  Does it bother you?   How about on, say, teen idol Zac Efron -- as close as we'll ever get to Troy Donahue, who never flashed his crack to the best of my knowledge, at least not in "Susan Slade."

Apparently the town of Flint, Michigan has had enough!  Get THIS!

Meanwhile in the Bronx (my hometown) they'll just have to live with it.

Apparently Japan has other problems...  (Hope this isn't anything obscene; I don't read Japanese but it looks pretty self-evident.)

Friends, isn't this just another case of young people wanting to show off their bodies and create a look of their own?  How concerned should we be?   Is it as a symbol of a larger breakdown of our society and/or respect for authority or just teens pushing our old generational outrage buttons?

I'm on the fence.  I used to find those sagger pants a little ridiculous but lately they look kind of cute to me, provided it's the pants that are sagging and not the ass underneath.  (Just a joke -- I am not saggy-ass-phobic.)

Haven't we been through this kind of generational outrage before?  Think back...women in PANTS!



Life went on.

I see this look with increasing frequency in my uber-chic, over-art-galleried neighborhood and frankly, it nauseates me.

To my eye, the Thom Browne suit silhouette looks contrived at best but nobody seems to be up in arms about it --  I'm guessing it's because it has only been adopted by fashion-forward men who can afford a $4,000 suit.

But isn't it sort of the mirror image of this?

In 1000 words or less, please tell me how these are different and how they are similar.  Fans of ancient history may want to make reference to the thong flash that nearly brought down a presidency.

Please open your blue booklet and begin.

Saggy Butt Pants:  Yea or Nay?

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