Sunday 11 July 2010

Buh-tcha ARE Blanche!

Loyal readers, you're bound to have feelings as you contemplate my very first break from Male Pattern Boldness since bearing this high maintenance child on January 23, 2010.

It's totally normal; let yourself feel them.  One day sadness, another self-pity, invariably some rage too.

While I'm away, I encourage you to rest...


And sew yourself something beautiful.

You'll be fine, I assure you.  If you need an extra push, MPB will still be here in archival form.  Surely you haven't read everything and you can start now.

Some updates:

Those who enjoy a little schadenfreude (and who doesn't) will be glad to see this:

Nice, huh? (I'll be sure to bring my anti-fungal foot powder.)

It should come as no surprise that my loyal (?) cousin Cathy has made other plans and will not be joining us this week.  The fact that I never did sew her a bathing suit as promised may have had something to do with her decision, I cannot say.

A few belated thank you's before I depart...

Reader Cherri recently sent me this wonderful men's tie pattern along with some fabulous vintage poly tie fabric!  Does it get any groovier? 

Ruth sent me this lovely top and skirt pattern that seems ripped right off Victoria Principal circa 1978.  As soon as Cathy firms up her upper arms a bit, she'll be ready for that halter top.  Thank you, Ruth!

Kelly sent me a bounty of fantastic patterns in assorted sizes and I may give a few of them away to YOU -- having cleared this with Kelly first, of course.  Kelly, you're the best!

And finally, reader James sent me these:

Honestly, have you ever?  James, as Dinah Shore used to say, Mwah!

During my vacation I'll be studying.   As you must know by now, I'm a sucker for any book that promises to make me more attractive.  Here's a peek inside this recent flea market find and my new beauty bible:

I'll be able answer your many beauty questions much more effectively now, so if you have any, just ask!

Friends, while I won't be blogging this week, my staff will be bringing anything urgent to my attention.  (They will not be answering phones, however, so please don't call.)

Have a wonderful week, everybody, and don't forget to write!  I'll be back on the weekend.

Arrivederci and keep sewing!

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