Sunday 25 July 2010

kathy girdle fun

Friends, I rarely make reference to the behind-the-scenes world of Male Pattern Boldness or its upkeep.  It seems, I don't know, unseemly, like pointing out that Baryshnikov sweats, and it spoils the illusion of effortlessness.  In Show Business -- and that's what I consider this blog you realize -- one wants to focus on the Show and not the Business.

But if truth be told, this site is not maintained by Oompah Loompahs.  Occasionally I will peek at the statistics available through Google Analytics and something new offered by Blogger called "Stats."

These features allow you to learn the (very approximate) number of people visiting your blog and how long they stay (hours!) whether over the last day, last week, last month, etc.  It also shows you whether they've come to you directly or via another blog.

For example, whenever Elaine mentions me, a great many of her readers come flocking here.  She's one of my highest-rated referring sites despite my not being included on her "Great Sewing Blogs" short list.

The statistic I find more interesting is the list of popular keywords readers have used to find us here at MPB.  For the uninitiated, these are the search words one types on a site like Google:  say, "male sewing peter" for example, because you haven't yet tattooed my URL on your forearm.

The most popular search words (or keywords) are mainly what you'd expect:  "male pattern baldness," "maworsblog blog," "mqale pattern boldnes" (sic), etc.  But occasionally you'll see one and think, What was this person looking for and did they find it here?

For example:

A number of visitors arrived via the search words "algerian suit folkwear pattern," no doubt interested in my harem pants project.  Makes sense, no?

Quite a few people arrived via the search words "Elizabeth Taylor."

Now, loyal followers and lurkers, I know I have written extensively about Ginger Rogers, Mitzi Gaynor, and even Connie Stevens.  But have I ever mentioned Elizabeth Taylor?  OK, maybe once, in passing.  But it makes you wonder about the accuracy of those statistics -- and the effectiveness of search engines.  How frustrating it must be if you're hunting for extensive information about Dame Elizabeth or White Diamonds or "A Date with Judy" and you find yourself directed to MPB.

But it gets stranger. More than one person it seems stumbled upon us using the keywords "Kathy girdle fun." 

Friends, where to begin?  First, my identical cousin spells her first name with a "C" not a "K."  Second, Cathy-with-a-C is not known to wear even control top pantyhose let alone a girdle.  Third, there is nothing fun about this restricting foundation garment -- just ask Shelley!  (Although, come on, you have to laugh at "Adaptolettes" which sounds like a girl group circa 1963.)

Perhaps YOU are the one who came here via kathy girdle fun.  If so, you needn't be embarrassed.  The important thing is that you got here.

Readers, there are so many more giggle-worthy keyword combinations, like "man in a pencil skirt," "age appropriate clothes at 50 men" and the ever-popular "blue dress from the hills knock off."  Kind of makes you wonder. 

If you have children in the house, please don't go searching on your own for "Kathy girdle fun."  You might not like what you find there.  But then again, you just might.

Have a wonderful Sunday, everybody, girdled or no, and please watch the video below -- it is fantastisch.

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