Thursday 24 February 2011

BREAKING -- We interrupt this crinoline...

Readers, I can't explain it.  Ever since formally ending the Men's Shirt Sew-Along on Monday, shirt photos have been pouring in over at our Flickr group.  Obviously reverse psychology, emotional manipulation, and veiled threats work!

Pictured above is Taylor, a young Sew-Along participant from Nashville, TN.  Do you see Taylor's muslin?  He drafted it himself.  No Negroni, Butterick, or vintage McCall's for him, oh no!

But that's not all.  Do you see his jeans?  He drafted THOSE himself too!

So awesome did his jeans turn out, in fact, that in January they were featured on the popular men's fashion blog, Put This On.  You can read more about Taylor, his jeans, and his other too-good-to-be-true projects on his blog, TaylorTailor.

But I certainly didn't want to make this all about Taylor.  In fact, if I weren't so non-competitive, generous-spirited, and loving a person, I wouldn't have mentioned him at all.  (Taylor who?)  I need another drag...

But back to our Sew-Along...

OK, readers, this is not a still from Night of the Living Tablecloths, but an incredible muslin produced by participant Kamilee.  Wow and pass the ketchup.

And speaking of picnics, I'm very fond of this lovely gingham Negroni produced by SewRedHot.  I could swear my Allan doll -- which I am hoping to receive today -- has the exact same shirt though his facings are terrycloth.  And he doesn't have that sexy salt and pepper beard...

But there's more!

Put on your 3-D glasses and feast your eyes on this fabulous creation by Sewsister, which apparently represents the actual conception of Lindsay Lohan as seen under an electron microscope.

I am so proud of all the Sew-Alongers, and the many courageous men who braved the unforgiving glare of the flash cube so that these unique creations could be recorded for posterity -- albeit without heads.  And remember, folks: these are just the muslins!

I'll be posting more shirts in the coming weeks, you can be sure.

A big hug to you all!

(photo courtesy of swreflection).

And now, back to The Tulle That Ate My Living Room, already in progress.

Have a great day, everybody!

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