Monday 8 February 2010

Monday, Monday (with sewing goals)

Good morning, beloved readers! 

I always like to take time early on Monday to outline my sewing goals for the week.  (Do you ever do this?)  It helps me organize my projects and plan ahead.

I begin by reviewing the previous week's goals to see how I did and where I got stuck, if at all.  So without further delay:

Last week:

1) I was able to drag my cousin out for a glamorous photo shoot whose highlight was a dramatic makeover that not one reader -- either here or on Pattern Review -- commented on.  Should Cathy have gone platinum or shaved her head a la Britney, perhaps? What do you have to do to get noticed around here?

Alas, today's 24/7 coverage of shocking world events makes it difficult to absorb something as subtle as a chestnut rinse and a blow out.

2) I not only purchased fabric, I used it! (well, some of it)  I also managed to sew something for Michael, which -- due to the overwhelming response to this weekend's poll -- you will soon see him modeling, though probably not in heels.  More than 100 people voted!  You guys rock.

3) I finally straightened up my living room a bit.  It's amazing what a difference it makes to just put away the ironing board, vacuum the floor, and return my sewing equipment -- point presser, pin cushions, cutting board, patterns, scissors, rulers, et al.,  -- to their rightful little plastic drawers.  I'm always a little shocked at how little time it takes and how much clearer my head feels as a result.

OK, so now on to THIS week:

1) I found some great vintage sheets in the trash last week, and this week I'd like to launder them and make a sheet shirt, this time using Simplicity 8255, the princess-seamed mens shirt from 1968.  It's about time this shirt got made: 42 years, HELLO?!

Some day I'll get around to making those hip hugger pants too, though I can't promise I won't narrow the pants legs a bit.  Right now to my eye they look...what's the word for it?  Bizarre.

2) I still haven't come up with a good use for more than 3 yards (of a 60" bolt) of burgundy vinyl-coated faux python print.

From new fabric!

This may require another poll, alas.

I suppose I could make 400 wallets and a tote bag, but that doesn't really get my juices flowing.  I'm thinking more along the lines of either a jump suit -- maybe for me, maybe for "cuz" -- or a jacket and pants ensemble.  The print is highly reflective and I think it needs to fit snuggly, along the lines of Emma Peel on "The Avengers."

Can you picture this look in python?    (Crickets, what's with those crickets?)

3)  I never did get around to experimenting with drafting my own dress patterns.  This will either have to wait until the shirt is finished, or till I get the nerve to actually unroll the tracing paper I bought. (I also have a somewhat irrational fear of the French curve.)

Seriously, I do badly want to start experimenting with pattern drafting, and maybe the best way would be to start with altering small details on a commercial pattern I already own, like changing a sleeve or a neckline...or a buttonhole.

When goals start appearing on my list week after week without my accomplishing them, I try to re-evaluate whether they're still priorities and/or where I'm getting stuck and address that.  I'd rather have a shorter list of things I DO get around to, rather than a longer list of this I DON'T.  The latter can start to feel discouraging.

So, what will YOU be sewing this week?  Something mild or something wild?  

Do tell!

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