Wednesday 17 February 2010

21 Jump Suit - WITH POLL

NOTE: The following blog entry is intended solely for a small minority of my readers: the genuinely weird.

I ask that all others please stop reading now and return tomorrow.

Now, then, weirdos:

I feel like I can let my hair down with you.  We understand one another.  You don't judge.  So, here's my story:

I'm going through this really strange phase, or rather, obsession.  Can you guess what it is?

I cannot stop looking at jumpsuit patterns.  I don't discriminate: mens, womens, teens, it doesn't matter.  It's that full-body-garment-with-the-zipper-up-the-front thing.  I'm fixated.

I think it started with this and has developed into a full-blown fetish -- since Sunday!

Many of my less compassionate readers are only feeding my weakness, cruelly tempting me with jumpsuit patterns to make me salivate on command like Pavlov's dog.

I received the above Butterick pattern in the mail yesterday from a certain reader-who knows-who-she-is and honestly, I couldn't stop looking at it, fingering it.  If it hadn't been so old and fragile I would have slept with it under my pillow like a baby tooth, hoping I'd wake up wearing the finished outfit and maybe find five dollars in the pants pocket.

So I need your help.  I'm leaning toward launching right into this project today.  I probably will try it out in a relatively plain fabric before I make the gold lame version.

But I need your honest opinion about its potential for me. Please help me prevent possible embarrassment -- or worse -- even in my hip-and-happening neighborhood.

Your answers will make my decision...and perhaps change the rest of my life. 

As always, your additional comments and insights are always welcome.

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