Saturday 26 February 2011

When Ken Met Allan or "Guys and Dolls"

He's here.  After yesterday's rant about my eBay seller, how embarrassed I was when the mail delivery person dropped off a big Priority Mail box not an hour later.  Oh, Joy!

I sliced the box open.

I removed its contents.

I opened the lid...

After a near fifty-year slumber, there was my Mattel Allan, looking fresh as a daisy -- the miracle of injection-molded vinyl.  Even his breath was minty.

I left the room and gave Allan and Ken a few minutes to get acquainted.

They seemed to like each other.

Next, we had to put some street clothes on Allan and get Ken out of the suit he'd been wearing since 1964. So many choices!

Tennis whites?

Dinner clothes?

I opted for casuals.

Readers, I am so happy.  Metal stands should arrive any day now, so they won't have to lean.  Should I splurge for acrylic display boxes too?

Only one small regret.  Allan was looking a little dusty so, after some online research, I took a little diluted rubbing alcohol to his youthful visage and gently wiped it with an old rag.  He looked better than ever!

Then I took the rag to Ken.  Now Ken, who looked absolutely pristine when he arrived, may have been touched up over the years.   Look what happened:



Folks, it seems Ken had been penciling his brows for years.  Or maybe not.  In any case, I think you'll agree that if you didn't know his brows were supposed to be six shades darker than his hair, you wouldn't think he looked unusual.

Allan prefers that Ken's brows match his hair.  Thank goodness!

Much of Allan's wardrobe is pristine, and given what a PITA it is to get them dressed and undressed, I wouldn't be surprised if Allan had hardly been played with at all.  They don't bend at the elbows or knees.  Try putting socks on without bending your ankles -- and then shoes.

Friends, I think that's all we have time for today.  I'm taking Ken and Allan out for brunch and then maybe a movie.  If you'd like to see more photos of the boys and their clothes, you can find them here.

In closing, if you had to date a 12" vinyl doll, whom would you choose, Ken or Allan? 

Skin diving, anyone? 

Have a great day, everybody!

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