Monday 21 February 2011

Men's Shirt Sew-Along 18 -- So Long, Sew-Along + The Men of Negroni!

Readers, today's final Men's Shirt Sew-Along post is dedicated to our Sew-Along participants.

Would you believe that the shirt above, sewn by Dan from Down Under, is the first garment he has ever sewn?  Or so he claims -- I'm having my staff do some undercover research, so Dan may be getting unexpected home visits today from Fuller Brush men, Avon ladies, and a social worker from the local child welfare agency.

Seriously though, what an amazing garment Dan's made -- and this is just the muslin.  You can be sure I'll be posting his final shirt, made entirely from his recycled Y-front briefs.  Remarkable!

Here's another muslin-to-die-for, created in hand-dyed batik by yet another Aussie sewist, Thornberry.  Is this not remarkable?  It's like a wearable Jackson Pollack -- gorgeous! 

Hip Massachusetts Mom Jackie made this lovely muslin, one of the very best fitting so far, imo.  (Be still my heart!)

Portland, Oregon's own Caitlin created this lovely gray Negroni for hirsute hubby Patrick.  What a great job and you should see the constrasting inner cuffs.

Friends, this is just the tip of the iceberg.  Final shirts are coming in daily and will continue to do so for some time, especially with some healthy nagging on my part.  Let's go, people!

Please visit our Flickr group for pics of more great garments and the hunky he-men who wear them.  Ladies, I know your men are often shy in front of a camera, but please do whatever it takes to get them dressed and photo archived.  Do it for the shirt makers of tomorrow.

Here's a secret: I may actually add pockets to Negroni 3 later today; I feel left out.

In closing, Sew-Alongers, if you keep sewing, I'll keep posting highlights.  Shirt-related questions, as always, can continue to be posted in our Flickr group, and I'll keep reading and responding.

Thanks to everybody who participated -- what a great bunch you are!

So...what shall we sew-along next?  Anyone up for Y-front briefs?

Have a great day, everybody!

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