Saturday 27 November 2010

One small step in the struggle against entropy!

Friends, one of the leitmotifs of my life is the continuing battle against chaos.  It's challenging, living in a Manhattan apartment, no matter how spacious relatively speaking, to find room for two chihuahuas, twelve sewing machines (fourteen if you count the sergers), two adult men and a glamorous cousin who likes to crash at a moment's notice and rarely picks up after herself.

That's why I am so excited to share with you my most recent eBay impulse purchase which arrived not an hour ago.

It's a vintage Samsonite train case that to me epitomizes the glory days of jet-age travel and all things Doris Day.  It's for Cathy.  Well, rather, for Cathy's mess.

You might think that a model would take great care of the tools of her trade.  Not so, readers!  This dusty old Glad bag may look neat, but it's constantly turning up in the most inconvenient places, it's Ziploc unzipping and spilling its mainly-expired, five-and-dime-store contents all over the place. 

But thanks to my new purchase, look:

The bag goes in the box...close the lid.  Perfection!

I love these old Samsonsite cases and can't stop thinking of all the things I could put in them, half of which I would buy simply to put in the case.  Which would sort of defeat the purpose.

Meanwhile, friends, this weekend I am considering actual downsizing.  I think -- think -- that it's time to pare down my sewing machine collection.  It's not that I don't love them all, but I hate having things around I don't use and it has become increasingly apparent to me that at least four of them have never been sewed on for more than twenty minutes.  I'll let you guess which ones.  

Stay tuned to MPB as I decide which to keep and which to re-introduce to the vintage sewing machine market.  It's a nail-biter!  Will your favorite make the cut?

The weekend is here and we're off to Michael's parents -- not quite the glamorous excursion that warrants a Samsonite train case -- but at least we won't have to cook.

Have a great day, everybody!

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