Sunday 28 November 2010

Decluttering: Part 2

Readers, I must provide some backstory to yesterday's post.  I used to have a lot of clutter -- no, not clutter exactly.  Stuff.  And I've gotten rid of tons of it, primarily on eBay and Craigslist, but also through donations to thrift stores and just throwing stuff out.

Here's an eensy weensy taste; thank goodness I took pictures!

Vintage TV sets, and the phones, readers, the phones...


Danish modern barware.

Funky decor items; I could write a book.


Fifties dinnerware.


But there's more, friends, much more.  I have discarded hundreds of record albums.  But I still have quite a few and I don't even have a stereo set up anymore.

So you can see why I need to get rid of some of those sewing machines (I fear my Elna Grasshopper may be first to go.).  And I still have many more items hiding in closets and cupboards I now need for all my sewing paraphernalia.  I still don't know where to store my sleeve board, for example.  Where do you keep yours?

Readers, thank you for allowing me to unburden myself this holiday weekend.  I know it's a lot to handle and probably stirring up difficult memories for many of you.   You probably long for more sewing projects and less catharsis.

Now that we've returned from Michael's parents, I must go to the flea market later and see if I can find more Samsonite luggage to store things in.

And who knows what surprises may lurk there?  It is the holiday season, after all!

Arabia Ruska dinnerware for four, anyone?

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