Saturday 29 January 2011

Sexy Valentine's Day Sewing or "Get a Room!"

NOTE: The following post is for ADULTS ONLY.  All minors please return to your mines.

Mature friends, it should come as no surprise that Valentine's Day is just around the corner, and I was reminded yesterday (rather abruptly some might say) that a few of you may have joined the Men's Shirt Sew-Along with the expectation of having a completed shirt to give to your beloved as a Valentine's Day gift.

Readers, while we may be tying things up by Februrary 14, it's entirely possible we'll still be ripping out our placket seams on said date. I don't want to rush things.

Therefore I feel it incumbent upon me to come up with some alternative gift ideas for those who insist on sewing for the holiday rather than just forking over $10 for a Whitman's chocolate sampler.

As of this writing, all the patterns below are for sale on Etsy though no doubt they will disappear quickly, so don't delay.

For me, nothing says I love you like his and her terrycloth wraps.  For those needing his and his or hers and hers, simply make two of the same pattern piece -- Easy! 

A lovely evening no doubt awaits this committed couple, probably in a room like this.

For those too embarrassed to purchase the pattern above, a somewhat more demure version can also be had that includes a two-piece bonus bikini!

As you rekindle the romance in your relationship, you'll certainly want to stroll the quaint byways of remote Catskill villages in his and her gauze drawstring pants.  Given the recent weather, bring gloves.

Girls, something sexy at bedtime is a must, but sexy can mean many things these days.  For the bold...

For the more demure, what can be lovelier than a vintage negligee?



The vintage man will certainly want a pair of these:

Covered up with this perhaps:

Oh, Rex!

For the more hirsute, there's this cuddly ensemble. When did we stop tying our robe -- 1976, 1977?

Readers, I hope this has been a help to you.  A shirt makes a lovely gift but it isn't terribly romantic, is it?

Would any of you like to share your favorite Valentine's Day memories with us today?   Does it involve a sewing machine?  I hope so.

In closing, are any of these patterns sitting in your stash, waiting for the appropriate occasion?  The time is now.

Happy Saturday, love birds!

The Catskills goes Disco...

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