Tuesday 25 January 2011

Giveaway winners and SO MUCH MORE!

Readers, it seems this McCall's 1954 sport shirt really struck a nerve with you yesterday.  Sadly, the only recourse is a root canal.  Please make an appointment with my secretary on your way out.

This shirt has proven as polarizing as Bristol Palin on Dancing With the Stars, or for those of my generation, new Chris on The Partridge Family.  Love, hate, and everything in between.  So let's move on -- quickly.

It's snowing hard again today but luckily I managed to get to the fabric store yesterday just in time.  (Unlike Meg of Shop the Garment District, who simply couldn't bear the cold to walk three blocks from her office during her lunch hour.)

Here's my take, a Liberty-esque cotton from Metro Textiles that will make a beautiful shirt for....Michael. 

He is so difficult to buy fabric for because he literally has a wallet-sized Color Me Beautiful color chart I have to carry with me when I shop for him, and if the teal isn't the teal he thinks it isn't right for him.  It's annoying.  Anyway, this pattern is enough of a blur that it works and what's more, he likes it.

In other news...do you ever make one of those What was I thinking purchases on eBay (or elsewhere) and literally, two seconds after clicking "Commit to Buy" you're wondering what possessed you?  That happened to me late last week and the result arrived in the mail yesterday.

Brace yourself.

It may be time for a clutter intervention.

But I also received something I am excited about.  I'm not really a silk-screened tee shirt type, but I saw this on Etsy and had to have it.  It's an organic American Apparel tee and the printing is done with water-based inks.

The Etsy store is called Elemental Shop out of Oregon.  Less than $20 with shipping.  I think we all need one.

(AFTERNOON UPDATE: The lovely people at Elemental are offering MPB readers a 20% discount on anything from their online store.  Just enter the coupon code MPB20.  Thanks, guys!)

Oh, before I forget -- our Vogue pattern winners.  First, the winner of the Dior Paris Original.  I am happy to announce that for the first time ever, we have an Aussie in the mix. 

She's a Sagittarius who makes her own paper (for sale in her Etsy store, The Forty Acre Wood), join me in congratulating SARAH! 

Next, the winner of the Vogue 1947 reproduction:

A curly-headed brunette with a killer recipe for potato chip cookies on her blog, Chicken Marie, please give a big hand to JANNA (aka Jannamo)!  

Sarah and Janna, please email me your addresses (peterlappinnyc at gmail dot com) and I will send your patterns off to you ASAP.

Friends, we're nearly out of time.  So many of you have expressed concern about my poor cousin, whose life has been reduced to something out of that Lady Gaga / Beyonce Telephone video with much dumpier outfits.

Please rest assured that Cathy will be sprung from the clink shortly, a sadder but wiser girl.

Folks, that's it

Sew-Alongers, we're one week away from our starting date so make sure there's plenty of wood in the woodpile and cookies in the fridge...we're gonna need 'em!  Do you have your fabric, your pattern... a sewing machine?

Happy Tuesday, everybody!

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