Friday 21 January 2011

MPB SNOW DAY SPECIAL --100% men's shirt free!

Friends, as you can see, we had another big snow dump yesterday.  It kind of makes me want to crawl back into bed and it definitely makes me want to take a break from talking about shirts.  We all need a rest now and then, no?  (But since you asked, somebody please remind me to talk about pattern tracing paper -- maybe you can recommend some?)

As you well know, one of my mottoes has always been Out with all the old clutter!  Unfortunately another motto is In with all the new clutter!

Apropos of which, my Elnapress arrived yesterday and it works beautifully!

Most delicious grilled cheese sandwiches EVER.

Joking aside, I'm having a serious like affair with this machine (a dry press, not a steam press) having used it only once so far.  You put the interfacing (which I didn't pre-shrink) on the fabric, close the heated press for just a few seconds and presto! 

I think I could more easily peel off my fingernail than the interfacing off that fabric.   I can't wait to experiment with more fabric and interfacing samples and perhaps some Prosciutto di Parma and sliced pecorino on sourdough.

And speaking of food (and clutter) you can read about Michael's new slow cooker here.

In other purely clutter-related news, I have a new swimsuit.

Forget what Michael Phelps may have you believe, there is nothing like swimming in 100% wool knit for minimal resistance in water.  In an eBay-induced frenzy I picked up this little 1940s navy-issue number that fits perfectly and aside from a few inconspicuous moth holes is ready for a trip to Brighton Beach.


My intention was actually to study the construction of it and come up with my own line of vintage-inspired men's swimwear.  I think the topless look is on its way out and apparently Giorgio Armani agrees with me, though I think he got it backwards.  I fear he's losing it.

In other news, lest you think our dogs are underexercised during these stormy winter days, rest assured they are working out regularly on their doggie treadmill -- up to 1/2 hour daily!  We can now put them on the machine, set the speed, and go about our business.  They seem to like it.

Friends, that's it.  I see from our Flickr group that Sew-Along anticipation is building steadily, with all kinds of patterns and fabrics in the mix.  Fun!

Have a great day and if you have a spare minute -- What should those who want/need to trace their pattern purchase as far as tracing paper goes?  Any particular technique(s) you recommend?  I never do it, though I should.

The ball's in your court today -- jump in!

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